The Art of Writing Short Stories Read Here
A backlink is a link on a website that connects back to a particular website. From a client’s point of view, backlinks give an approach to individu…
Unix   is an Operating System that is truly the base of all Operating Systems like Ubuntu, Solaris, POSIX, etc. It was developed in the 1970s by Ke…
Introduction – Linux follows the very tough permission model. A root user can do anything but normal user has no permissions. To run any command, t…
Process A process is an instance of a program in execution. A set of processes combined together make a complete program. There are two categories …
SHELL   is a program which provides the interface between the user and an operating system. When the user logs in OS starts a shell for user.   Ker…
The   Cron  software utility is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like operating systems. Cron allows Linux and Unix users to run commands or scri…
The operating system offers an interface between programs and user, as well as programs and other computer resources such as memory, printer and ot…