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Patol Babu, Film Star Class 10 - [2021 - 2022]

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Patol Babu lived in Kanchrapara and worked in the railway factory. However, due to the war, he lost his nine years old job. Then he tried many jobs he started a variety shop but he failed then worked in a Bengali film but faced some problems with the director. So he left that film then his cousin offered him to join scrap iron business. Once when Nishikanto Babu came to Patol Babu, he told him that his brother-in-law Naresh Dutt who works in film business needed a short, bald-headed man of the age fifty for his film. And Nishikanto Babu suggested the name of Patol Babu. 

He accepted the offer of Naresh Dutt, as the role of a pedestrian. The next morning he reached at the FARADAY HOUSE, his heart was trembling with happiness. But the problem was that he was not still given the lines of the dialogue. He asked about his lines of the dialogue to the Naresh Dutt. And Naresh Dutt told Sosanko and Jyoti to give the lines to the Patol Babu. Jyoti tore off a page and wrote something and give it to the Patol Babu. The word "oh" is written on that page. Patol Babu became very sad to see his dialogue to just speak the word "Oh" as the line of his dialogue. 

Then a faint memory was stirred up in Patol Babu's mind. It was Mr. Pakrashi, Patol Babu's mentor who said "Remember one thing Patol, the however small part you are offered never consider it beneath your dignity to accept it". He made rehearsals on his dialogue, and speak the word "Oh" in different pitches from high to low. And finally, he performed well. Patol Babu left the place without taking money. He would get fifteen to twenty rupees for his small job but he was satisfied so much with his perfection and dedication that he didn't find any need to get money. The central idea of the story is personal satisfaction is more important than financial rewards and accomplishing tasks to perfection gives one a sense of pride and self-esteem

  1. patol babu film star class 10 question answer
  2. patol babu film star class 10 ncert solutions
  3. patol babu film star class 10 summary
  4. patol babu film star class 10 solutions
  5. patol babu film star class 10 summary in hindi
  6. patol babu film star class 10 character sketch
  7. patol babu film star class 10th
  8. patol babu film star class 10 summary in hindi pdf
  9. patol babu film star summary class 10 cbse
  10. patol babu film star class 10 important questions
  11. patol babu film star class 10 summary in english
  12. ncert solutions class 10 english patol babu film star
  13. summary of patol babu film star class 10th
  14. patol babu film star class 10 summary study rankers

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