Short Class Notes On Gymnosperms
- Medium sized trees and shrubs.
- Main plant body Sporophyte.
- In some members roots may have fungal association called Mycorrhiza.
- In some (Cycas) coralloid roots present having algal zone with N2-fixingsymbioticalgae.
Root – taproot and leaves of two types - 1)Foliage 2)Sporophylls.
- Microsporophyll bears sporangia where microspores are formed.
- Megasporophyll bearsovules.
- Compact arrangement of Sporophylls is calledConeand loose one iscalled Strobilus.
- Microspore i.e. pollens reaches to ovules.
- Pollen tubes help to transfer male gametes up to egg of archegonia present in female gametophyte of ovule.
- Zygote develops in an embryo inside seed
-e.g. Cycas, Pinus ,Cedrusetc.
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